24: Jack Bauer's 10 Most Badass Moments So Far

9. Jackula Bauer (Day 6)

Apologies for the above pun €“ just couldn€™t resist. This has to go down as one of the most ridiculous things Jack has ever done but still, who saw it coming? America is under serious threat from a group of terrorists and another terrorist, Abu Fayed, has offered them the location of the man supposedly behind the attacks in exchange for Jack€™s life. President Wayne Palmer€™s back is up against the wall and he has no choice but to hand Jack over to them, only moments after freeing him from Chinese custody. Jack experiences some nasty torture while under their €˜care€™ and even with the knowledge he€™s given up on life and dying for the greater good, it€™s tough to watch. Once Abu Fayed says he€™s behind the attacks and is setting the other man up, Jack finds that spark for life once again. Even with his hands and legs tied to a chair (because who needs them?), he fakes a heart attack to lure one of his captors close and then sinks his teeth into the terrorist€™s throat, ripping out his jugular. It is a moment where Jack solidifies his already extreme reputation as an utter terminator. For future reference, just shoot Jack and be done with it (though let€™s be honest, do bullets even stop him?). Don€™t give him a second chance because it will surely come back to bite you, and sometimes literally.

An aspiring filmmaker, writer, traveller, and avid comic book fan, with an undying passion for calligraphy and chopping boards shaped like fruit. Genuinely enjoys receiving your hate mail.