25 Best Episodes Of Star Trek EVER

16. Space Seed - The Original Series

Star Trek Mirror Mirror

Greatest Star Trek villain of them all.

There are many who could vie for the title but none of them are Princes. Khan Noonian Singh, originated by Ricardo Montalban, in the fantastic Space Seed. There are many arguments as to why it's great. The chemistry between Khan and Kirk. The ship being taken over by supermen. The fact that Chekov is so good at hiding that no one but Khan sees him for the entire episode. All good reasons.

But it simply boils down to this: Montalban IS that good. There will be another list on another day that combines the greatest guest stars and the greatest villains and spoiler he will probably dominate both lists. Some credit will go to his performance in The Wrath of Khan and it is fair to say that both stories are best enjoyed as a pair. However, this episode brings the tension and the action. It shows a man who could easily beat Kirk. It shows a villain in a RED SHIRT surviving to the end of the episode. It's got everything.

When it came to choosing an episode to make a movie sequel to, this was an easy choice and so far this is tied with The Best of Both Worlds for episodes that have that honour. Both excellent.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick