25 Best Episodes Of Star Trek EVER

4. Trials And Tribblations - Star Trek Deep Space Nine

Star Trek Mirror Mirror

This episode was an example of nostalgia being done correctly. Originally, Producer Ira Stephen Behr was against the idea. Star Trek was about to celebrate its 30th birthday and the studio wanted to mark it in both of the shows that were on the air. Voyager celebrated with the episode Flashback and Deep Space Nine celebrated with this gem.

Seeing the new crew in the '60s uniforms, along with their interactions with the original crew, was a feat of combined engineering and design. The plot is thin but that's not relevant - the point here is to rewatch and old episode and to have a little bit of a new frame on it. Seeing the Enterprise, K7 and the Klingon Battlecruiser on screen again made hardcore fans jump for joy and that final exchange between Sisko and Kirk was fan heaven.

The highlight of the episode is, of course, the bar fight. O'Brien, Bashir, Odo and Worf get caught in the middle of the infamous fight between the Klingons and Starfleet officers. Worf makes mince meat out of the older Klingons. Bashir is less successful. But watching the build up to the outbreak, where that Klingon just pushes Scotty further and further never fails to raise a smile. The whole episode is constructed with a cheeky wink to the audience and Star Trek celebrated its birthday in style.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick