25 Best Episodes Of Star Trek EVER

22. Redemption - Star Trek The Next Generation

Star Trek Mirror Mirror

Star Trek The Next Generation utterly redefined the Klingon race. They had been introduced as a stand-in for the Russians back in the Original Series, something which played out with more exposition in Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country. In The Next Generation, the idea of their honour, their rich history and their deep family connections were shown. Much of the credit for the way Star Trek depicts credit must go to writer and producer Ronald D. Moore.

He became the Klingon expert in Star Trek, crafting most of the best Klingon episodes. While the franchise has redesigned the Klingons again since, what has held over is the idea of honour. A Klingon without honour is no Klingon at all.

Redemption sets about righting a grave injustice to Worf. Stripped of his honour to cover for the crimes of Duras, he leaves Starfleet to fight for Gowron against the House of Duras when they vie for the Chancellorship of the Empire. What follows is two episodes of pure Klingon adrenaline, politics and relationships, mixed with Romulan subterfuge and Federation ingenuity. The three great powers meet in this episode and though they would meet many times again, this is the story that cements the new positions of all three.

Redemption closed The Next Generation's fourth season and opened its fifth, followed swiftly by Unification and the further story of Commander Sela. But it is here that Gowron rises, Kurn returns and the Sons of Mogh take their place back in the Council again.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick