25 Best Episodes Of Star Trek EVER

20. Regeneration - Star Trek Enterprise

Star Trek Mirror Mirror
CBS Media Ventures

Despite receiving a very mixed reception, Star Trek Enterprise has some incredibly strong episodes. While unfortunately there are not many that raise to the greatest in the canon, there is a lot of canon to compare it to. The second season episode Regeneration was a bit of a surprise, as technically the Borg couldn't appear due to the year in which Enterprise is set.

However, not only did the writers find a way to include the Borg in a way that sticks close to canon, they also managed to remove many of the more sanitised elements that had been added to the Borg's story. In this installment, the Borg were frightening again. They are relentless, they are largely silent and they seem to be mostly unstoppable. There is a genuine sense of menace and risk to the episode.

Enterprise has an undeservedly low standing in the franchise which is due, in part, to the fact it is set in the past. It was hampered by the canon to which it had to adhere, attempting to introduce threats that couldn't be unstoppable, as the audience knew that there was a future waiting. But this installment was an example of stellar writing, a phenomenal score by Brian Tyler and strong visual effects, combining some of the best that the series had to offer.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick