25 Best Supporting Characters From The Simpsons

19. Lou & Eddie

Two of the finest cops on the Springfield beat, Lou and Eddie are always at the side of Chief Wiggum on any case. While Lou is clearly the most intelligent and competent member on the force and is happy to point out others mistakes. Eddie, like Wiggum, is a little dim-witted. It was once revealed however that Eddie had been seeing Lou€™s ex-wife for a time.

18. Professor John Frink

€˜The only professor home when we call€™, John Frink is Springfield€™s own nutty professor. He works at Springfield Heights Institute of Technology (check the abbreviation) and is responsible for the invention of hamburger earmuffs, the Run-Away House, the Frog Exaggerator and the Intra-Bovine Ice Cream Maker. He truly is the Thomas Edison of our time. Glavin!

Rob has been an entertainment writer and blogger since 2008. He plies his trade an the Online Producer for Virgin Media Shorts and writes for TheShiznit.co.uk, Virgin Movies and Games. In the past he's written for Sky Atlantic, Sky 1 and the now-closed DVD & Blu-ray Review magazine. He and can boast ownership of a one-of-a-kind Muppet called Haynes.