38 WTF Moments From Fargo Season 2

1. Mike Milligan's New Office

After ten episodes of Mike Milligan doing everything within his power to take out the Gerhardts and rise through the ranks of the Kansas City mob, his fate upon returning to the towering offices is hilariously mundane. Rather than getting to run the newly acquired territory himself he's rewarded by an office job with a 401k and regular hours (although the overtime is recommended). It's a brilliant end for his character, swept up into the drab, number-crunching world of corporate crime where deals are made on golf courses and men wield pens instead of guns. It's also another fine example of the sense of humour which runs through the series, one which pushed the level of WTF moments to new heights. What other WTF moments can you think of from season 2 of Fargo? Why not tell us about them in the comments?Like this article? Follow us on Twitter: @WhatCultureTV

Andrew Dilks hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.