There's so much cr*p on TV it almost makes you want to give up hope. I'm here to remind you that there is great, smart, funny, dramatic, and well written TV shows out there beyond the prototypical shows that you're already familiar with. Everyone knows Breaking Bad, Modern Family, Game of Thrones, True Blood, Sons of Anarchy, and Mad Men are all great shows. However, with so much bullsh*t making it to the air, you might be missing out on some gems. That's what this is, a top 5 list of shows that you might not be watching. Although if you have good taste, then you're probably already well aware of these shows. My hope is that there's at least one show on this list that you're not watching that I can convince you to try.
Honorable Mentions: Pardon the Interruption is a daily show featuring Tony Kornheiser and Mike Wilbon as they go back and forth like an old married couple debating about the days sports topics. It's like watching Sportscenter but in a funny, witty, 30 minute version. PTI is a must watch for any sports fan, and especially for those of us here in the States. Of course no article of mine would be complete without some sort of mention of wrestling. As the longest running show on American television, Monday Night Raw is a MUST watch for any wrestling fan. Don't forget to tune into Smackdown too! So without further ado, I give you the 5 best shows on TV that you should be watching, if you're not already.