5 Best & Worst Doctor Who Songs Of All Time

2. Tom Baker - The Human League

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HHJXuK4knlA Last year there was an an entire article about this one. Heavily inspired by Peter Howell's haunting background music for the show in the 80s, the Human League put their electro pop twist to Tom Baker's era. Watch The Leisure Hive and Meglos and pay close attention to the soundtrack and you will hear a lot of stuff like this. The Human League had a number one hit with their 1981 single 'Don't You Want Me' which you'll still hear on retro radio stations to this day. It's a wonder this little gem didn't get higher in the charts!
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Joel Cornah, is an author hailing from a small isolated village in Lancashire. Having told stories of dinosaurs, penguins and dragons to his younger siblings for nigh on two decades, it soon became apparent that these tales needed to be written down. Gathering the myriad of maps, family trees, illustrations and noted ideas, he began work on the world of dyngard. Having grown along with the audience from a collection of loosely related children’s stories, it became a whole world of adventure, magic and questions. He was awarded a degree in Creative Writing from Liverpool John Moors University and spent seven years writing a comical newspaper for The Barrow Downs Tolkien discussion forum. Currently running a charity café in Parbold village, Joel is often found deep in discussion of the works of J.R.R. Tolkien, the long history of Doctor Who, and desperately trying not to frighten people away. Often with limited success.