5 Changes Glee Should Make

3. Return Will's Central Character Status

Will Schuester_Glee Will Schuester, with his perennially cheesy platitudes and god-awful performance facial expressions, has been sorely missed. The pilot, and the first season, is basically centred on him whereas now, he has been demoted to background character who is still given some lines. Not since Season One has he really been given a decent storyline, other than Wemma€™s constant €˜will they-won€™t they-OCD-doubt-impending marriage€™ rigmarole. One of the things I loved about Glee was that it also had adult characters, to counteract all the teenage angst. Unfortunately it seems the writers just don€™t know where to take Will now. So, other than dragging out his and Emma€™s inevitable get-together, they€™ve now packed him off to Washington D.C. Basically, it just looks as if they€™ve got rid of him for a bit so they don€™t have to find a way to write him into the episodes. He really should have been allowed to follow his own dreams after winning Nationals in Season Three. Why couldn€™t we have followed him to D.C for a bit or, even better, New York? That way he could interact with Rachel and Kurt and let Finn take over the glee club until Season Five, when we should say, sayonara McKinley.
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Hey, I'm Deneo, I'm from Edinburgh, Scotland, in the UK, and have recently graduated from university as a student of sociology and culture. Over the course of my uni degree, I have become interested in socio-cultural discussion of just about anything and enjoy trying to apply it to pop culture topics, such as tv, film and music.