5 Characters We'd All Secretly Like Arrow To Kill Off

2. Moira Queen

In season one, like many others, she was a major part in the story progression and continued in this fashion during the early stages of season two. Now, surely all her secrets are out and I for one will be glad to see the back of her. Her deceit, lies and affairs have constantly create rumblings amongst the Queen family which have proven to be pivotal in the storyline. However, with her relationship with Oliver seemingly over there's not much more she can offer, other than a lot of anger. If she was killed off we'd see Oliver come to realise how important his mother was to him and it could prove to be a changing point in his ideologies, much like the death of Tommy at the end of season one was. For Thea, it would be catastrophic but would push us towards where we want her to be. We'd all like to see Speedy in a similar role to the one she has in the comic books. With Moira still kicking about this is unlikely but the death of her mother may force Oliver to pull her in, which could be eventful given Roy's position. It's highly likely she'll be killed off at some point this season due to the election campaign she is involved in. When that happens, prepare for fireworks but also be thankful as one of the most painful characters on the show will be gone.
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Josh has had work featured in the Evening Gazette and on Newcastle United website. He is a Multimedia Journalism student at Teesside University and runs a successful sports blog. He also enjoys films, comics and TV, writing about anything he can. Josh has recently started writing his first of what he hopes will be many books.