5 Characters We'd All Secretly Like Arrow To Kill Off

1. Laurel Lance

I admit, it's beginning to sound like I have a bit of a vendetta against the Lance family but this selection is without a doubt the person that HAS to die. Sooner rather than later. She's become unbearable. In season one she was arguably the second biggest character behind Oliver, her love battle between him and Tommy was key but since then she's become a pain. A real pain. In fact, it's become just annoying to even see her on the screen. Her involvement in the storyline now just involves a lot of alcohol, drugs and tears €“ though it's looking like she may be improving though and willing to finally seek help. Don't hold your breath though, it's sure to go downhill again soon. It's not just us, she seems to be annoying every character in the show too. Besides, is there anyone involved in the show connected to Oliver she hasn't slept with? She's a fine one to talk when she complains about him sleeping around. Laurel has become a painstaking part of the show. The other characters in this article I could deal with if they were to carry on living. Laurel is different though, I don't think I'd cope. If there's one person that should be killed off it is her. Maybe her and Moira could battle it out to the death on a hellish island? Hey, a man can dream.
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Josh has had work featured in the Evening Gazette and on Newcastle United website. He is a Multimedia Journalism student at Teesside University and runs a successful sports blog. He also enjoys films, comics and TV, writing about anything he can. Josh has recently started writing his first of what he hopes will be many books.