5 Characters Who Could Kill Ramsay Bolton In Game Of Thrones Season 6

3. Jon Snow

At this moment in time Jon Snow is currently lying 'dead' at the wall, surrounded by his own blood and the traitors that inhabit Castle Black. His return has been long rumoured, and all but confirmed by sightings of actor Kit Harington (Jon Snow) on set in Northern Ireland. As well as the fact he won't cut his long hair, which Harington himself admits he hates. Should he return, Jon's path through the new season is seemingly destined to lead to Ramsay and Winterfell. Snow's 'death' will have released him from his Night's Watch vows, therefore making him free to take back his father's home from House Bolton, and Jon is currently the only male heir known to be living. With a budding new leadership of the Wildling army, and the heavy set rumours of the Bolton's facing off against the Wildlings, this all seems to lead in one season defining direction. Seeing Jon kill Ramsay Bolton as revenge for his sister Sansa's rape would be something all fans will want to see. As well as potentially killing Roose Bolton for his betrayal and murder of Jon's brother, Robb at the red wedding. The next step after killing the Bolton's is also a huge prospect for the writers. Jon knows what is coming from the North, and as the Lord of Winterfell he could unite the Houses against such an army. Plus, with the R+L=J theory rumoured to be confirmed this season, it could lead to some interesting times with Daeneres Targaryen. Actual Likelihood: Yes, it is. Jon killing Ramsay is something that may happen, but Jon being involved in the path that leads to Ramsay's demise is almost certain. Seeing Jon back would please fans no end, and with set leaks pointing to a huge battle between the two sides, season six looks very exciting now. 7/10.


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