5 Characters Who Could Kill Ramsay Bolton In Game Of Thrones Season 6

2. Sansa Stark

Poor Sansa, she deserves to have vengeance on so many different people, most of all her second husband Ramsay. He vilely raped her for the first time on her wedding night, and many, many times after. Sansa is one of the people in Westeros who has the most reason, and a true purpose, to want the ultimate price for Ramsay paid in blood.

If we were to see Sansa kill Ramsay she'd certainly please lots of fans in doing so for many reasons. Firstly, her killing Ramsay would be a huge piece of character development for her. To see Sansa grown up and no longer afraid was something we glimpsed at the end of season five. Now to see her take matters into her own hands, and bring her husband to a bloody end in the process, this would be the completion of her journey into womanhood in Westeros.

After so many seasons of Sansa being mentally and physically tortured, first by Joffrey, then by Ramsay, without being able retaliate has been at times brutal. Her biggest moment came in season five, when she told Myranda that she could not be frightened at Winterfell, as it is her home and she is a Stark.

Secondly, her killing Ramsay would bring a moment to the series that we have missed since series three. Namely that finally a semblance of power will have brought back to house Stark, which has suffered so much since Lord Eddard lost his head.

Actual Likelihood: The chances that Sansa will be the one to bring Ramsay down are high, as the writers may want to give her the moment that she has so deserved. On the other hand, her and Ramsay in a one on one battle is never going to end well for Sansa; fortunately, she has somebody with her who can even those odds.



Matthew Nicholson hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.