5 Darkest Black Mirror Moments (So Far)

4. Hundreds Of Thousands Of People Get Violently Murdered By Robot Bees

Black Mirror Shut Up And Dance

It's amazing how good Black Mirror is at messing with the audience's emotions. Throughout Hated in the Nation, the people using the #Deathto hashtag are portrayed as thoughtlessly cruel and sadistic, and the show makes you hate these people right until they get what's coming to them.

The show wisely decides not to show the mass murder itself, instead choosing to leave it all up to the imagination. The more you think about it, the worse it gets: you realize that those schoolchildren would not only witness their teacher die violently in front of them, but that a lot of them would come home that day to dead parents, to dead relatives. You realize that there were probably a lot of people who'd died from joke tweets, like "#Deathto [a fictional character]." You realize that a lot of the victims were probably children, with kids taking part in social media as young as ten years old.

The show hits you in the gut one last time, as Detective Kelly MacDonald leaves the Courthouse and is bombarded by screaming, angry protesters. Despite the horror this country's faced, the mob mentality is still just as present. People haven't learned a thing.

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