5 Darkest BoJack Horseman Theories

3. Hollyhock Is Mentally Ill

BoJack Fan Theories

In a way, fans already know this is true; she talks to BoJack about hearing voices telling her she’s worthless, where BoJack offers her the comforting lie that things will get better.

If we take BoJack as the example though, things only get worse. Season 4’s Stupid Piece Of Sh*t showed just how insidious and invasive this voice is in his daily life, and this could be bad news for Hollyhock. Their father, Butterscotch, was hardly the picture of mental health either.

Her overdose in the fourth season was a result of Bea slipping her too much weight loss medication, but her reaction upon returning back to BoJack’s house is worrying. Her trauma is understandable, but that doesn’t change the fact it’s evidence of a mental break.

Hollyhock flips out and throws BoJack’s own pills down the garbage disposal, with the animation distorting in ways similar to BoJack’s own mental episodes.

We don’t see all that much of her in Season 5, what with her having moved away, but things might not be as rosy as they seem. Characters never stay happy for long in BoJack, and it may well be that Hollyhock’s mental health has gotten significantly worse while she’s been away.


Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)