5 Doctor Who Villains That Are More Powerful Than The Daleks

2. Sutekh

sutekh Sutekh is the real life Egyptian God of violence and chaos, not just evil. That€™s how detailed the Egyptian evil is, they have gods for each specific bits of it. So it makes sense, then, that he€™s also one of the most powerful Doctor Who villians of all time. The only thing that could defeat him was the power of another Osiran (who are a real people in the Doctor Who universe - the new series says Satan exists too, so it's obviously taken the Indiana Jones route of saying €œall religions are true€ at this point). Even the Time Lords couldn€™t stand a chance. As testament to this, he almost keeps the Doctor in a ten trillion year long life of agony using only his stare and, although he was trapped in a pyramid by weird Osiran forces, that stare was still so powerful that it could contain entire explosions.The Daleks€™ stare is somewhat less formidable since in their first adventure its stare ends up being obscured by a coat.
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