![Homer Simpson Jobs](https://cdn3.whatculture.com/images/2013/12/homer-simpson-jobs.jpg)
Most creative projects hit budget constraints from time to time. Whether your budget allows for little more than tinfoil saucers and rubber-suited aliens or sparkling planets filled with floating islands and 8-foot cat people, money will always be an issue. This is even truer of television, where funding has to be spread evenly across a vast range of projects that also have tighter time constraints. Inevitably, sacrifices have to be made - no matter how beloved they may be. More often than not, these creative sacrifices amount to little more than directorial anecdotes on DVD commentaries, but now and again the more opportunistic producer will find a way to make the most of such frugality, bringing in concepts and visual styles that are just as effective but at a fraction of the cost. Here are five great examples of when TV turned budget constraints into iconic moments...