5 Iconic TV Sitcom Cold Opens From The 2010s

3. Community - Payday

Parks And Recreation Ron Swanson Tom Haverford
Sony Pictures Television

Community is a hard show to explain. A Dan Harmon sitcom about a study group doesn't sound too complex, but the show combined movie parodies, meta humour, and concept episodes in a way that no other show had done at that time. The off-the-wall characters and crumbling school setting was the perfect combination for such a wacky show, and at the centre of it all was Dean Pelton; the pansexual, Dalmatian obsessed man who was usually the cause of the schools failures - schoolwide paintball matches anyone?

The Dean did not run the college well, he was constantly fighting for money, fighting against City College and obsessing over Jeff Winger. He almost loses the school for good on multiple occasions and yet somehow never actually does.

The cold open in question sees Dean Pelton enter the famous study room dressed in a life-sized peanut outfit (one of his many costumes), he's there to reveal some bad news - payday is going to be late. To soften the blow, the Dean, in his usual fashion, decides to deliver the news in rap form. If you look close enough, you can see Gillian Jacobs, the actress who play's party pooping Britta Perry, break character at the hilarity - that's how funny it is!

The rap is iconic and is still known today as one of Communities best moments, and if you haven't seen the scene, you have to go and watch it. Seriously, go watch it right now!

Actually finish the list first... but after that, you NEED to see it!


Lily thought it was about time she wrote Top Ten lists for people other than herself. She also owes her dog a lot of money so she thought it was about time to pay her dues. There is no tv show she likes that she hasn't seen at least twice.