5 Incredible Animes That Deserve A Live-Action Remake

2. Erased

Cowboy Bebop
A-1 Pictures

The butterfly effect is a theory that all fans of time travel are aware of. One slight change in the space-time continuum can have significant repercussions for the present time period. It's an idea that is constantly played with in Erased and to great effect too.

The story follows Satoru Fujinuma, a manga artist who has the power to reverse time by a few seconds and alter it in the process. Although he uses it to save people during the present, he accidentally time travels back to 1988 and gets trapped in his 11-year old body. While trapped, he decides to try and get to the bottom of a murder mystery that turned his town upside down when he was a child.

Without giving away any spoilers, the main plot of Erased is quite dark and even though the animation is magnificent, it can take you out of the moment occasionally which is a shame. A live-action version would be able to keep the same plot, but have a level of realism that would maintain the seriousness of the story.

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Co-host of The Ill-Informed Podcast, jiu-jitsu fiend, MMA lover, movie fan, anime nerd, music snob.