5 Incredible Animes That Deserve A Live-Action Remake

3. Cowboy Bebop

Cowboy Bebop
TV Tokyo

Luckily, Netflix are already on the ball with this one and it's about time too. After toiling in development hell for over a decade, someone has finally seen sense and decided to bring Cowboy Bebop over to an even wider audience.

Although it was originally set to be a film starring Keanu Reeves as former hitman Spike Spiegel, the now John Wick doesn't quite have the smoothness or devil-may-care attitude that makes Spike such a fan favourite. So maybe it's a good thing that we're only getting it now, now that Reeves is a little bit too old for the role and is already playing a former hitman in John Wick.

The anime already had an incredible coolness too it, but putting it on TV would only enhance that. The great thing about Cowboy Bebop is that it's a procedural show and not serialized, so there's plenty of room to move for whoever is bringing it to the small screen. Think Criminal Minds or Law and Order: Special Victims Unit, but the main difference being that it has the potential to actually be interesting.

Add that with the fact that there are plenty of cool, young actors who can embody Spike's charm and persona - Robert Sheehan from The Misfits and The Umbrella Academy would be a fantastic pick - along with a solid supporting cast and Netflix have an extremely entertaining sci-fi epic on their hands.

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Co-host of The Ill-Informed Podcast, jiu-jitsu fiend, MMA lover, movie fan, anime nerd, music snob.