5 Reasons A&E's Bates Motel is Worth Checking Out

4. First Rate Production Values

bates motel2 Even after viewing just the trailer for the series, it became obvious that Bates Motel was taking itself seriously. With an executive team that includes Carlton Cuse (Lost) and director Tucker Gates (Lost, The Office), Bates Motel is tight, crisp and slickly produced. It struck me that even the kitchen set in the Bates house bears an almost identical resemblance to the same set from Psycho II. The high production values help the series shine, but they don€™t take away from the careful attention given the story and character development. Finally, the producers hit pay dirt with two accomplished actors in the series€™ leads.

Not to be confused with the captain of the Enterprise, James Kirk is a writer and film buff who lives in South Carolina.