5 Reasons Why Avatar: The Last Airbender Is The Best Show Ever

2. It's Dramatic And Hilarious

Team Avatar, Aang, Katara, Sokka, Apa & Mo-Mo

The writers manage to create the perfect balance between drama and comedy. You can find yourself immersed in a fight sequence yet laughing one minute later. The superb four part finale deserves a mention as its fight scenes are some of the best television created. The accompanying music is perfect (not dissimilar to Game of Thrones battle music) and the whole thing is an emotional watch.

However there is comedy throughout the entire series. Whether it be from Sokka's one liners, Iroh's smart quips to an emotionally explosive Zuko or Aang's desperate attempts to win Katara's affections, there is a laugh in every episode, that is assured.


Ben Lewis has contributed 1 post since joining in August 2019.