5 Reasons Why Doctor Who Prequel Should Never Happen

2. It Wouldn't Feel Like Doctor Who

While spin-offs are expected to head in their own direction and not bear too many similarities to the original source material (and Doctor Who spin-offs have done that in spades), for prequels it€™s a whole different ballgame. Even if it lacks familiar characters, a prequel needs elements from that which came before it like locations, broad concepts, and tone to bridge the gap. And that€™s where a Doctor Who prequel would fail. Because to fit into established canon, a Doctor Who prequel would have to strip out practically everything that makes the programme so unique and enduring. While Gallifrey would feature heavily and Time Lord characters like Borusa and the Master could appear, it wouldn€™t extend very far beyond that. No Daleks. No Cybermen. No Tardis. No freewheeling adventuring through time and space. And no character that€™s recognisably the Doctor. Although prequels sort of fall under the same banner of spin-offs, they need more consistency and faith to the source material. Which is why the limiting factors of a possible Doctor Who prequel is one of the reasons why it shouldn€™t happen.
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JG Moore is a writer and filmmaker from the south of England. He also works as an editor and VFX artist, and has a BA in Media Production from the University Of Winchester.