5 Reasons Why True Detective Is Going To Be Cancelled

3. Nobody Really Cares About It After Season 2

True Detective Cancelled

There was something off about Season 2 from the first episode and the problems only increased as it rolled towards its... there was a conclusion, right? If I'm being honest, I didn't hate it as much as some of the show's biggest critics, but by the time we got to what should have been intense scenes like the street shootout or sex party heist the lack of tension made clear something integral had been bungled.

There was an alternatively dry and sloppy approach to the storytelling, with nothing to really draw you in, while the cultural inflections and expansive themes felt like they were applied with Pritt Stick. There was a sense of effort in there and it's certainly not cheap, but the result almost felt like a parody of itself - Taylor Kitsch's Paul Woodrugh and his hidden demons were so painfully presented he's a joke unto himself.

The upshot of this is that it's completely soured the brand. True Detective is now a 50:50 show, with as much cack as there is greatness. And while it's not fair to say a TV series is only as good as its most recent season, does anybody really want to risk getting a repeat of last year's run? Thought not.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.