5 Reasons Why True Detective Is Going To Be Cancelled

2. Nic Pizzolatto May Have Nowhere Left To Go

True Detective Cancelled

The time Pizzolatto spent developing the show doesn't just show how long a good season takes to produce, but suggests that he may actually not have any more True Detective in him.

Season 1 was self-contained and so tightly wrapped that a follow up was impossible, hence the decision to make True Detective an anthology series. Which is good, but you need a strong, steady flow of ideas that keep things rejuvenated. If Season 2's anything to go by, his second-best idea wasn't as strong on a base level (even refined, the LA land scheme doesn't match cults in the bayou) and that may have been because he was stretching himself.

The question of True Detective's future was somewhat prompted by the suggestion from HBO insiders that Pizzolatto was looking at starting a totally new project in the channel, and maybe a totally blank canvas would be the best thing for him.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.