5 Reasons Why TV is Better Now Than It's Ever Been

1. The Market Is Opening To Everyone

PI-movie-posters Creating independent films or pitching TV shows without the weight of a major studio behind you has always been an thankless and impossible task. But that€™s changing. The independent film industry is becoming much bigger. Small, artsy projects are being picked up by major studios and brought to the big screen. TV shows based on novels and comics that originally only had a small, but dedicated following are much more common. People without the money to fund great ideas are getting the chance. Thanks to the internet, they have an easy way to promote themselves and get all the support that they need, with programs like kickstarter. This chance is not one they would have gotten before the advent of the internet and chat rooms, forums, and youtube. For once, no matter what the idea, if you can find a market, then you can make it real.

I'm a student and I'm doing this because I love it. I love writing and talking about the interesting things on television. I'm crazy about Game of Thrones and Mad Men.