5 Star Trek Gadgets That Would Make Real Life So Much Easier

star trek transporter From its television premiere in the '60s to J.J. Abram's most recent reboot, Star Trek has remained a defining cultural and technological force. Not only did the show promote acceptance by casting a highly diverse crew, but it also offered viewers a sneak peek into the future of modern-day devices. In the past few decades, the science behind many of Star Trek€™s inventions has slowly entered into the realm of possibility. Starfleet communicators have become cell-phones. PADDs have become iPads. Universal translator? There€™s an app for that. How easy it€™s become to connect with each other and the world in a few minutes. And, despite all these advancements, there are still some Star Trek gadgets that modern-day technology hasn€™t yet matched. Will we one day be yelling, "Beam me up, Scotty"? Will our cars be able to reach warp speed? Let€™s take a look at the top five Star Trek devices that would make life even simpler.
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Jill is a freelance editor and writer. She has an MFA in Creative Writing and is looking to pursue a career in publishing. She loves pop culture and film and dreams one day one of her stories will be adapted for the big screen.