5 Star Trek Gadgets That Would Make Real Life So Much Easier

2. Warp drive

USS_Enterprise_(alternate_reality)_at_warp "Punch it," Captain Christopher Pike orders Sulu in 2009's Star Trek. Within moments, the Enterprise launches at speeds faster than light into the universe. Much like the Millennium Falcon travels in lightspeed, Starfleet relies on warp drive to commute through space. You thought the Concorde's supersonic speed was impressive; imagine warp-driving to work. Not only would it save gas and time, but it would also be a significant means of exploring the universe. Light-years would be crossed in a matter of minutes. Galaxies would be discovered in seconds. The Fast and the Furious franchise would become even faster and more furious.
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Jill is a freelance editor and writer. She has an MFA in Creative Writing and is looking to pursue a career in publishing. She loves pop culture and film and dreams one day one of her stories will be adapted for the big screen.