5 Star Trek Gadgets That Would Make Real Life So Much Easier

3. Medical Tricorder

Star-Trek-TNG-TR-580-Medical-Tricorder A second medical tool that would make reality so much easier is the tricorder, a handy scanning device Bones often uses. It has evolved a number of times from the cell-phone-like design above, to the sleek white oval seen in the newest movies. Its job is simple: to provide a fast and comprehensive diagnosis of the patient. Imagine how effective this would be in hospitals and for personal use. Doctors could simply scan their patients for signs of distress and know immediately what to prescribe them. At home, people would know for sure if what they had warranted a visit to the doctor. While lesser-quality tricorders exist in the form of heart and blood pressure monitors, an actual Star Trek tricorder would be indispensable.
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Jill is a freelance editor and writer. She has an MFA in Creative Writing and is looking to pursue a career in publishing. She loves pop culture and film and dreams one day one of her stories will be adapted for the big screen.