5 Things You Need To Know About HBO's Confederate
4. Civil War

Confederate's alternate setting leaves the United States and the Confederate States at a breaking point in relations for not the second time, but the third, as there has already been a Second American Civil War in the show's universe. Fraught with division and long standing rivalry, bloodshed appears inevitable as the brother nations look to clash once again.
HBO has not elaborated on who is leading these nations, or their technological and military capabilities, but if the American nations fight again, there is bound to be intense combat and conflict, especially in the modern day. It would likely be a very passionate fight, as relatives and former friends take up arms against one another.
This provides an interesting backplot for the show as characters navigate the brewing conflict. Slavery is likely a reason for the fighting, as it has been historically, and its role would be key in a new civil war in the modern era. With the CSA looking to uphold the system that gave birth to the nation, the plight of modern slaves would be as desperate and crucial as ever. The US and its supporters would likely have the world's support behind them as it is hard to envision a modern global society supportive of slavery.