5 Things You Need To Know About HBO's Confederate

3. High Tension

Confederate Flag
Summit Entertainment

A common theme of the show's universe and plot is tension and the divisions that are driving it. Two nations which have been at odds for over 150 years are now threatening to go to war once again, families and friends are split apart by a demilitarized zone, and biggest of all, slavery is commonplace, leading to widespread major racial tension.

While we can't predict the state of race relations in the US, Confederate's main setting will likely be the CSA, and the state of relations there are clearly awful. African Americans are left without rights and enslaved by not just the plantation owners of the past, but now major corporations, using the free labor for profit. In addition, class may play a part as it did in the real life CSA. Poor whites and poor blacks obviously have their differences, but so do poor whites and rich, slave owning whites. This dynamic would be yet another example of division in two nations on the brink of war.

The United States and its lost Southern neighbor are engaged in a sort of cold war, and according to HBO's release of details on Confederate, those tensions may escalate into full scale conflict. Characters will be caught on both sides, promising a full view of two sister nations caught in bloodshed once again.


Ryan Geller is a freelance journalist who writes news, politics, gaming, and more. He is dedicated to the goal of unbiased journalism and independent thinking.