5 TV Characters That Became Increasingly Annoying

1. Lisa Simpson

Lisa Simpson is always regarded as "the voice of reason" in the Simpsons, since she's basically the only character in the show who uses at least 35% of her brain. And while she used to have some valid points about some of the complaints she had during the first 5 seasons she quickly became the equivalent of that annoying hippy who spends all the time complaining about everything that's happening on the world without giving a good solution to all those problems. If you look closely at the show (especially on those episodes centered on her character) you'll realize that her entire motivations can be resumed to "I want to do the exact opposite of what everyone's doing." She contradicts herself by allowing freedom of speech but on the exact same episode she forces her entire opinion on everyone else, calling them idiots if they don't agree with her. Things got even worse after season 15, when her character became so obnoxious, predictable and against all the mainstream things that the only way I can describe her is as a very young Hipster. Most of the things she does are a desperate attempt to get attention from others, to the point in which it's really hard to take her seriously, since you can't really tell if she's doing it because she believes on the cause or because she just wants something to complain about. Out of all the characters on the Simpsons she's the only one I'm sure is going to have a bad future. Just think about it; she's the only smart person in a town filled with pure idiots. Obviously she's going to grow up thinking she has such radical and new ideas and when she leaves Springfield and realizes that she's just another annoying and preachy idiot she's going to choose to be the "big fish in a little pond" and return to Springfield, where she'll always be the smartest person in the whole town. A sad, but fitting ending to the most annoying character on TV right now.
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Mild mannered writer for WhatCulture, I enjoy reading, watching films, and complaining about people complaining.