5 TV Comedies You Really Should Have Watched

3. Party Down

Party Down

I did not see this show during its initial run, but I watched the entire series on Netflix within a week. This show is funny, smart, and all around fantastic from start to finish. Originally airing on Starz, the show focuses on a catering crew, all of whom are trying to be famous in one way or another. Adam Scott does a great job as the leading man in this. This is the show that initially started my love for Adam Scott. The guy is so funny! Him begrudgingly delivering his famous quote from a commercial, €œAre we having fun yet?€ is great every single time. Ken Marino is also great. I love Marino, I think he is hilarious in everything he is in. If you haven€™t seen Burning Love, I highly suggest you check it out to see what I mean. Martin Starr also is great in this show. Unfortunately, I haven€™t seen Starr in that much since. He has had some guest starring roles on New Girl and a small part on Parks and Recreation, but that€™s it. I was really hoping to see more of him on television. Despite having to lose Jane Lynch due to her filming Glee, the show managed to replace her and not skip a beat. I don€™t think it is on Netflix Watch Instant anymore, but please get the DVDs and see a brilliant show with a great cast!