5 TV Couples That Elevated Shows (And 5 That Ruined It)

1. Oliver & Felicity - Arrow

arrow olicity oliver queen felicity smoak
The CW

It's hard to believe that there was ever a time when the vast majority of Arrow's fans were rooting for Oliver Queen and Felicity Smoak to get together, but alas, the unique chemistry between the pair meant that, at the very least, the creative team had to try it. And, well, if only they hadn't.

The moment that these two got together, the show immediately lost sight of what it was as the writers inexplicably began prioritising melodramatic couple drama over the actual plot and, as a result, Oliver became a pathetic shell of the strong character that he once was. Meanwhile, Felicity lost that spark that made us all fall in love with her and became an infuriating (and downright annoying) monster who somehow managed to make everything about her.

To top it all off, in the midst of this half-baked experiment, the writers thought it would be a good idea to kill off the love of Oliver Queen's life, Laurel Lance - because, yes, fans were expected to buy that this sinking original character was more important to the show than the Black Canary. Needless to say, they didn't. Ratings fell dramatically as the show's fourth season spiralled so hard that the creative team were forced to hit the reset button for Season 5.

Though Oliver and Felicity have since had some genuinely sweet moments, it's hard to look at Arrow without imagining everything that it could have been if this ill-fated ship never sailed in the first place.


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Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.