5 TV Couples That Elevated Shows (And 5 That Ruined It)

1. Stiles & Lydia - Teen Wolf

styles lydia teen wolf

When it comes to relationships, few shows have ever played the long-game quite like Teen Wolf did with the nerdy adorable Stiles Stilinski and cool girl Lydia Martin.

Though the show established that Stiles had feelings for Lydia as early as the first episode, nothing ever came of it as the writers prioritised the pair's involvement in the show's supernatural stories in a bid to allow the latter to grow as a character and, more importantly as a person, while seeing Stiles for the hero that he had always been.

The brilliance of it was that, in spite of the fact that both of them enjoyed other relationships throughout the show's six season-run, the writers continually teased us with the long-running possibility of 'Stydia', having the pair share a few special moments over the years - including their now-iconic panic attack-ending kiss.

Despite the incredible chemistry between Dylan O' Brien and Holland Roden, there was a time when it felt Stiles and Lydia were never going to get together, but the fact of the matter is that, in the final season, something changed for the pair, as it was only when Lydia was separated from him for a long period of time that she realised how much she actually loved him.

Stydia was always the plan, and the writers executed it to perfection - naturally progressing it over a six-year period and, in the end, it was indeed worth the wait.

Now, for the couples who didn't have quite as positive an effect on their TV shows...


Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.