3. Entourage

The later seasons of Entourage feel wholly unnecessary as a whole. Lets go through the storylines: Eric and Sloane break up, again, and get back together, again; Vince has another fall from grace only to rise from the ashes in the end; Drama becomes unemployed and gets hired for another TV show. Its all just burdened with repetitiveness. The only characters to have a new and fresh storyline in these later seasons are Turtle and Ari, but their storylines are pretty pointless too. Ari goes through a half divorce, only for his marriage to be saved in the end. Great. Thats all well and good, but what was the point? For Ari to realise that family outweighs career? The little epilogue at the close of the season implies that this isnt the case at all. There is no logic whatsoever. And its coming back for a film. Now I like Entourage, but I can imagine that it will be a whole lot of the same: Vince is in a film, Drama wants in, Eric has to choose between Vince and Sloane, Turtle does nothing except make a few jokes about Drama being old, Ari has a fit. The show ran out of ideas by season five, so I dont see a film faring much better.