5 TV Shows That Totally Outstayed Their Welcome

3. Entourage

entourage_dudes The later seasons of Entourage feel wholly unnecessary as a whole. Let€™s go through the storylines: Eric and Sloane break up, again, and get back together, again; Vince has another fall from grace only to rise from the ashes in the end; Drama becomes unemployed and gets hired for another TV show. It€™s all just burdened with repetitiveness. The only characters to have a new and fresh storyline in these later seasons are Turtle and Ari, but their storylines are pretty pointless too. Ari goes through a half divorce, only for his marriage to be saved in the end. Great. That€™s all well and good, but what was the point? For Ari to realise that family outweighs career? The little epilogue at the close of the season implies that this isn€™t the case at all. There is no logic whatsoever. And it€™s coming back for a film. Now I like Entourage, but I can imagine that it will be a whole lot of the same: Vince is in a film, Drama wants in, Eric has to choose between Vince and Sloane, Turtle does nothing except make a few jokes about Drama being old, Ari has a fit. The show ran out of ideas by season five, so I don€™t see a film faring much better.
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Entertainments lover. Yoghurt hater. Beard grower.