5 TV Shows We Miss

4. The Tick (animated of course!)

Back in 1994, Fox introduced to the world one of the first satirical super heroes: The Tick. Created by Ben Edlund as an underground comic, The Tick never really took off until the big blue doofus appeared on the television airwaves. I think that as a child, even though I was obsessed with the campy Batman 60's show, I never saw the characters as funny. I understand it now of course, but at the time, Batman and Robin were deadly serious characters who were in real danger night after night. The Tick however was my first experience where I got that it was making fun of comic book superheroes. Every week The Tick and his sidekick accountant Arthur (who looked like a giant bunny but was in reality supposed to be a moth) would defend "The City" from the like of the evil Chair Face, Dinosaur Neil, El Seed, and my favorite The Evil Midnight Bomber "what bombs at midnight!" The genius of this show was that "The City" had so many "super heroes" of a less than effective nature, that The Tick and Arthur had to keep proving themselves relevant. They generally saved the city primarily through accident or dumb luck but the best part of each episode was when The Tick and Arthur would simply go through the motions of mundane city life. Shopping at the mall, having Arthur's sister over for dinner, and meeting other heroes at a coffee shop had not been seen before. Today we at least have the DVD releases of this classic cartoon to enjoy (and to keep the icky taste of the live-action version out of our mouthes.) But couldn't you see new episodes of The Tick on Adult Swim these days? It would be a very welcome sight indeed. "SPOON!" Thank You The Tick. I miss you!
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By day, Don is the manager of an after-school program for 4th-8th graders... When night falls, he can be found writing primarily about Batman right here on What Culture! When not consumed by The Dark Knight, Don writes poetry, short stories, and screenplays. No matter how much he intrigues you though, Don is "off the market in love" with his girlfriend Mary. He also likes macaroni and cheese a lot. And bacon...