5 Ups And 2 Downs From Star Trek: Lower Decks

3. The Gag Hit-Rate

Lower Decks Ransom

I said it for episode 1 (and, forgive me, finally took some Shore Leave for episode 2), but Lower Decks is impressively funny. Not just because it can get an audible HA! out of you as opposed to the classic nose spurt, but because the time between each gag is literally only seconds.

The phaser setting, Delta Shift thinking they're so much better than everyone just because they're so much better than everyone, they're called clouds, you live on a spaceship so you can't die from a spear, the funnies on Lower Decks land more regularly than Voyager did in its first season.

Remember, because they could land the ship? And they really overused it? See it's not easy doing jokes is it.

It bears repeating (and I'll probably repeat it every week in all honesty) but this is a Star Trek Animated Comedy and every single week the show is going to live or die on how well it lines up with that premise. So far, it's been funny enough to pass inspection, and if it holds up then it's on course for being a really enjoyable first season.

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