5 Ups And 2 Downs From Star Trek: Lower Decks

1. I'm Actually Very Very Up For A Problematic Sexual Tension Subplot

Lower Decks Marriner

We still don't have a central narrative theme in Lower Decks, and even the story about Captain Freeman being Marriner's mother hasn't been raised again since the opening episode. The subplots are there, sure, but they're all very broad and character-based. Boimler works hard, Marriner doesn't, Rutherford's the ship's MVP and T'endi... well, we'll get to that.

So getting a slow build for Marriner low-key getting off on Ransom's demolishing a giant brute with his bare hands and glistening chest is a big kicker. He's conceited, arrogant, delusional, a living embodiment of everything she hates about Starfleet, her own mother's most trusted colleague and, best yet, and she absolutely cannot stand him...

They are 1000% going to bang.

Long-term, the show needs more in the way of a central storyline to tie the later episodes together, but this is another interesting plot-thread that gets you excited about future episodes. It's funny enough to be its own thing, but close enough to Freeman to actually spiral out into a Very Big Deal. Either way, if you've never personally had a problematic workplace romance, then I recommend it heartily.

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