5 Ways True Detective Has Changed Television For The Better

4. Anthology

Quick little lesson for those who are unfamiliar with anthologies: the anthology format is one where different sets of characters and stories are used in episodes or seasons. Think The Twilight Zone and Outer Limits. There are pros and cons of having different sets of actors and directors, however, the main problem of anthologies is that it risks becoming too formulaic. You cast certain expectations on The Twilight Zone and may even grow tired of the show. Not so with TD; the anthology format is advantageous and although the second season has yet to be even cast, it's very apparent people are already anticipating the upcoming season. The main reason for this anticipation is the excitement a new cast and director will bring to the show. Rumors of Brad Pitt in talks for the second season is creating a buzz online and even if Pitt turns it down, the fact that an A-list actor of his stature was even considering doing a cable drama means something. It means that TD is turning Hollywood heads and it means the quality of television has finally reached or even surpassed that of feature films. The beginning and the end of every season would bring new viewers to the show, and because each season is a complete story in and of itself, there'd be no pressure to catch up on the series. Humour me and imagine if Steven Spielberg or Martin Scorsese decided to sit in the director's chair for TD. You can scoff, but remember how David Fincher directed Kevin Spacey in the first two episodes of House of Cards? Yeah, I agree; it was really good, and speaking of big stars...

I'm a thinker/fantasizer who writes down his thoughts and fantasies hoping it makes sense to everyone else. Also I'm an aspiring screenwriter, but if I can work in film at all, I'd be happy. One day you may hear the name Ryan Kim and associate it with "Academy Award winning writer" or with "where's that guy with my coffee." If the latter comes true, please let it be Paul Thomas Anderson's coffee I'm getting.