5 Ways True Detective Has Changed Television For The Better

3. The A-List

I hope Brad Pitt does the second season of TD with onscreen BFF, George Clooney or Matt Damon or Leonardo DiCaprio, hell, even Jonah Hill. After all, why not? This is the beauty of new actors coming into an anthology €“ as each season will star different sets of actors in a new story, this keeps the story fresh. Although using A-list actors to draw viewers is a Hollywood ploy, the fact of the matter is we want to see A-listers onscreen, big or small. Lots of A-listers started out in TV like Clooney on ER and Woody Harrelson started out on Cheers as well before transitioning to the silver screen. Most people saw TV as a stepping stone to films and no one would dare backtrack once on the silver screen, but this is no longer the case. Films have better odds of making big bucks at the box office, but weekly episodes push stars farther into the spotlight. I love seeing Zooey Deschanel every week on New Girl and not having to wait a year to see her in a film. With loyal viewers, the ad revenue or subscription fees start adding up. Long live cable. TD has already set the bar high having McConaughey and Harrelson as the main characters, and the speculation of who will follow up is titillating. Now is the time for A-listers to come out of their vacation homes in Italy and get to work, because the TV is on and no-one is turning it off to drive to a theatre.

I'm a thinker/fantasizer who writes down his thoughts and fantasies hoping it makes sense to everyone else. Also I'm an aspiring screenwriter, but if I can work in film at all, I'd be happy. One day you may hear the name Ryan Kim and associate it with "Academy Award winning writer" or with "where's that guy with my coffee." If the latter comes true, please let it be Paul Thomas Anderson's coffee I'm getting.