6 Anime With Surprising Life Lessons

3. Magi: Adventure Of Sinbad - The Art Of Preparation

Magi has many obvious themes; personal ambition and rejection of the status quo, war profiteering, and the dangers of popular consensus.

However, Magi most importantly exemplifies how one should achieve your goals. Rather than merely picking a spot and declaring “This shall be my kingdom!”, Sinbad brilliantly lays the groundwork for his future state.

First, he visits various other nations, befriending their monarchs, networking with his future peers so that they are allies, rather than enemies.

Then, he starts his merchant empire, ensuring he has the financial resources to build his kingdom. More importantly, establishing the necessary supply lines & trading partners.

The principle lesson here is to always work towards your goal step by step, starting from the ground up. Many like to haphazardly rush towards their dreams.

But dreams, whether large or small, almost always require careful planning and preparation before they can be realised. Sinbad understands this, and is aware that his immense power is no substitute for resources or connections.

Personal power may get Sinbad past many obstacles, but it cannot sustain a nation on its own. He needs advisers, allies, resources & connections.

Prepare. Adapt. Overcome. It’s easy to forget the technicalities and complications of things. Methodical planning is key.

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Anime, manga, light novel, fantasy book enthusiast. Otherwise a pretty boring guy.