6 Anime With Surprising Life Lessons

2. Interspecies Reviewers - Acceptance & Courage

Naruto Exam

Few anime in recent years have been under such controversy as Interspecies Reviewers, an anime that is undeniably as lewd as the title may lead you to expect.

So, you would be forgiven for thinking that this wonderful specimen of culture has no real lessons to offer civilised people such as we. You would be wrong!

The main cast make it their mission to explore every kind of “reputable” establishment possible. In doing so, show us that just because something or someone is unusual or strange to us does not mean we should simply ignore or exclude them.

In fact, it even goes so far as to emphasise the folly of putting too much stock into popular stereotypes, because they are often wrong or greatly exaggerated.

Preconceived notions shouldn’t dissuade us from at least trying new things. Stunk and the gang’s notions of golems is that they must be massive sexless stone creatures, yet they are... pleasantly surprised.

Don’t be afraid to try new things, never judge before you try and find your own path in life despite the labels people have ascribed to you or others.

Truly, the anime of equality we’ve all been waiting for.

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Anime, manga, light novel, fantasy book enthusiast. Otherwise a pretty boring guy.