6 Criminally Underrated Monty Python Sketches

3. The North Minehead By-Election

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vlmGknvr_Pg For the first minute and a half of this sketch, one could be forgiven for thinking that it is a bit by-the-numbers. However, it is soon proven to be so much more with the introduction of 'Mr Hilter', 'Ron Vipperntrop' and 'Mr Bimmler' to the scenario. Soon the sketch becomes less about a nice hotel in Somerset and much more about the nefarious plans of the three Nazis to win the North Minehead By-Election. Some could consider the idea of placing these three figures in such a scenario slightly offensive, but they are so sad and pathetic that there is little offensive about it. This is further reinforced by seeing the three of them cycling through the streets with a megaphone trying to drum up some sort of political support as Cleese, Chapman and Palin wonderfully convey their attempts to look dignified in the face of utter stupidity. Incidentally, this is one of the few sketches that was written by John Cleese and Michael Palin together. It makes you wish that they wrote more.
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Monty Python
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Gamer, Pop Culture consumer and WWE watcher, Vectron44 has been described as a prophet of truth, a pain in the proverbial and everything in between. Approach with caution lest you get sucked into his world of geek.