6 Major DC Comics TV Reveals At New York Comic Con

6. Zoom Wants To Steal The Flash's Speed

By far the biggest reveal in the new sizzle reel which was shown off for The Flash related to season two big bad Zoom and what exactly his plan for Central City is. In the preview, Jay Garrick reveals that Zoom stole his speed on Earth-2 before the Singularity opened, leaving him stranded and powerless on Earth-1. Zoom is apparently obsessed with being the only speedster on any world, hence why he intends to kill Barry Allen. Unfortunately, the footage doesn't offer up any clues as to his identity, but based on the blue lightning, it appears as if this Zoom is The Rival, the first Reverse-Flash and classic enemy of Jay Garrick. However, his line about how heroes die has already led to speculation that it's Eddie Thawne in the suit, hungry for revenge against Barry after he killed himself at the end of season one to stop Eobard Thawne. Of course, seeing as Zoom is shown fighting Jay as the Singularity opens, there are already a few holes in that particular theory (like, you know, Eddie being dead and all). Could it be Harrison Wells in the suit? In the brief glimpse we get of Earth-2, he can be seen in that world's version of S.T.A.R. Labs, and Tom Cavanagh is set to return as a regular this season, so it's one possibility. Like Reverse-Flash last year though, it seems like this is going to very much be a case of waiting and seeing. Other than Zoom, the most significant reveals were probably in relation to the Earth-2 metahumans who were shown, with a quick glimpse of Hawkgirl and Legends of Tomorrow bad guy Vandal Savage thrown in for good measure. Needless to say, season two is going to be a very interesting year for the Fastest Man Alive...

Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.