6 Reasons Camp Cretaceous Is The Best Jurassic Park Sequel

2. Kids In Danger

Jurassic World Camp Cretaceous

One consistent staple of the franchise since the first film has been putting kids in danger. Tim and Lex are the emotional centre of the original film. It's their danger that drives much of the movie and their scene of hiding from the raptors that is perhaps the most iconic scene of horror in Jurassic Park.

The subsequent sequels have all included kids and tried their best to recreate this emotional hook. Sometimes it works really well, other times it hasn't been handled as well as it could be but it always creates that extra level of tension.

This series made the decision to focus entirely on the kids in danger and as a result keeps that tension running straight through. By taking the adult characters largely out of the equation and leaning into the very real threat of killing one or more of these kids, Camp Cretaceous takes that emotional hook and digs it in deep.


Early Ray Mixon hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.