6 Reasons Why Warner Bros. Cancelling DC Universe Would Be A HUGE Mistake

3. Justice League Dark

Swamp Thing Dc Universe
DC Comics

It's now common knowledge that DC Universe announced the cancellation of their Swamp Thing series only a week after the first episode was released.

Although the reasoning for this is still not clear, there were signs production issues beforehand. For example the episode count being reduced from thirteen to ten very late in filming and descriptions that production had 'shut down' rather than simply finished. Later rumours suggested it was down to a budgeting error, with DC Universe apparently miscalculating or being misinformed about the tax breaks North Carolina had offered the show. While this has since been denied, the hasty way in which the show was truncated and then ended does suggest a quick realisation about... something, instead of it being a considered decision.

And in all the talk of the cancellation, James Wan, Swamp Thing's show runner confirmed that there were soft plans in place to introduce the Justice League Dark by season three of the show, had it continued.

Considering the tone of the show, and how seriously it took the character of Swampy, a version of the JLD in line with that would have been something to behold. Maybe even Matt Ryan returning as Constantine, we also could have seen Etrigan, Zatanna, the Spectre, Phantom Stranger (who also already appeared on the show) among other past members. And now, thanks to nebulous reasoning that apparently DC will never disclose, the best we can hope for is that fan backlash will force them to eventually bring the show back. But without a DC Universe, we could never get as close as this for maybe years to come.

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Swamp Thing
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Tim is a writer, actor, improviser and occasional stand-up comedian. Read his blog at: https://timgoodingsbandwagon.wordpress.com/