6 Reasons You Should Be Watching Orphan Black

6. The Second Season Just Started

And it picks up immediately after the first season, which is good, because it ended on one heck of a cliffhanger. A lot happened in Orphan Black's debut series, but the "previously on..." will catch you up on most of the important stuff, and there's enough set up in "Nature Under Constraint And Vexed" (yeah, all the episodes have titles like that) to get you on board for this next run through the capricious conundrums of the Canadian clones. Without spoiling too much of the first season - because, well, it would be good if you watched it - the newest episode of Orphan Black includes a shootout in a diner involving a couple of religious nutters, an S&M club, an ongoing homicide investigation, a kidnapping, a seeming return from the dead and a rehearsal of the musical Cats. That's all crammed into 45 action-packed minutes, and it doesn't really let up. It's all very exciting, and there's another ten episodes of this to go! It's also as good a place as any to start watching the show. The first season started a lot of the plot threads that get picked up here, but it's relatively easy to catch up with what's going on with titular orphan Sarah Manning, who exactly her "sisters" are, and which people you need to be booing. Not only that but it gets you up to speed whilst travelling along at a decent rate itself, all without ever feeling like it's going to collapse under the weight of so much going on.
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Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/