6 TV Shows Actors Wanted To Fail

3. Doris Day Never Wanted To Do The Doris Day Show

Wednesday Addams

After spending the majority of her career as a big-screen superstar, Doris Day finally made the jump over to television in 1968.

Or rather she was forced into The Doris Day Show after her recently deceased movie executive husband, who had also squandered much of her earnings and left her in serious debt, was revealed to have secretly signed her onto a five-year deal with CBS.

Day had zero intentions of ever working in the TV sphere, but a contract was a contract and the star honoured the deal right the way through to the end of the successful show's fifth season. In the end, though, it came as little surprise to hear that Day opted not to renew her deal once it expired, with the star once classing the idea of doing said sitcom as "doubly repulsive" due to its unoriginal premise.

Simply put, if it was up to this screen icon, then The Doris Day Show likely wouldn't have been a thing in the first place. But it was, and Day continued to be critical of the series she felt obligated to do throughout its run.

And when asked to return for a sixth season, seemingly relieved to see the back of it, Day simply told CBS "I have done everything I can with the series."


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...